Building Community and Resilience at the College of Medicine

The Wellness Hub is the center point for students to receive the support they are looking for.




College of Medicine Innovation Fund

Students at the College of Medicine are challenged with fast-paced learning and heavy schedules, preparing them for their future in health care. While in school, not only do students have to keep up with their education, but they also look after their own mental health and well-being. Although students are incredibly academically driven, the transition can be difficult. 

In 2020, the Wellness Hub, where students can come and lounge between or after classes, was built solely from the support of the Innovation Fund. This is the center point for students to receive the support they are looking for. 

“The wellness space creates a home base for medical students, who are often moving from one rotation to another,” Shalmali Mirajkar, a third-year student, said.

“In rotations, we often have to use other departments’ spaces that never feel like our own. So the wellness hub has been crucial for medical students, particularly during clinical years, to find a space to gather and call our own.”

Sheri Sallee, student wellness advocate, works with a network of people at the Wellness Hub to cater to students’ needs. Sallee emphasized how important it is to have current students aid their peers, as they truly understand the pressures that students feel.

“Not only do you need to excel academically, be great with patient experience, do research, be involved in the community and join all of our interest groups, but you also somehow need to be well,” Sallee said.

“We take this collective approach and really emphasize peer-to-peer support.”

Because of the College of Medicine Innovation Fund, these resources are available and accessible to all students. The fund supports the Wellness Hub, M1 dinners, peer mentorship, the Fall Fest and refreshments in the office.

“The donors that contribute to this fund are vicariously healing society by ensuring the well-being of the minds that cure the sick,” Omar Ceesay, a second-year student, said. 

To support our future physicians and encourage wellness throughout their schooling, please consider donating to the College of Medicine Innovation Fund.